Restore Oregon is governed by its Board of Directors, a dedicated group of individuals representing a wide range of professionals related to historic preservation, from all parts of our great state.

Our Executive Committee

Our Board Members

Ex-Officio Member


BA Beierle
Preservation Consultant

Marti Belluschi
At Large

Chrissy Curran
Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer

Hank Florence
National Park Service

Eric Gleason
Columbia River Gorge
Archaeological Technician

John Goodenberger
North Coast
Consultant/Instructor Clatsop Community College

MJ Koreiva
South Coast
Director, Historic Umpqua River Lighthouse

George Kramer
Southern Oregon
Kramer & Company

Rick Minor
Senior Archaeologist Heritage Research Associates Eugene

Jacqueline Peterson Loomis
Prof. of History,
Washington State University

Andrew Picken
Eastern Oregon
Rivoli Theater Restoration Coalition

William Willingham
Portland Metro
Historian and Author

Jill Thorne
Legislative Advocacy