Donate on Giving REUSE Day!

The International Day of Giving, known as GivingTuesday, is coming up on November 28. Except at Restore Oregon, we celebrate GivingREUSEday—a day to raise funds for Restore Oregon’s work to promote, celebrate, and honor incredible projects reusing Oregon’s buildings and aiding in climate change mitigation. This year, we’re adding something new to the GivingREUSEday festivities: […]

Action Alert: Help Advocate While Team RO Visits Washington DC

Two Restore Oregon staff members are currently in Washington D.C. for the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s PastForward national preservation conference, the first in-person conference offered since the pandemic. And we are taking full advantage of the conference’s D.C. location to advance our federal legislative advocacy forward. While we are meeting with members and staff […]

Update on the Albina Preservation Initiative

The Albina Preservation Initiative was launched earlier this year to help bridge the gap between traditional historic preservation practices and the lived experiences of BIPOC communities to create a safe space for difficult discussions and to document and share Black preservation methods and stories, establishing a path forward for inclusive preservation statewide. This hands-on initiative […]

That’s a Wrap! Oregon’s Rural Historic Theaters Complete Major Grant Program

In 2020, as part of our Oregon’s Most Endangered Places program, Restore Oregon joined forces with Oregon Heritage to bring an unprecedented infusion of over $615,000 in grants to eight rural historic theaters in Oregon. Restore Oregon has acted as a technical consultant for these projects, many of which were affected by pandemic shutdowns, inflation, […]

Announcing the 2023 DeMuro Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation

Restore Oregon Announces Winners of the 2023 DeMuro Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation! Award-winning projects repurpose buildings to capitalize on embodied carbon and demonstrate that adaptive reuse of existing structures is essential to Oregon reaching climate sustainability goals Restore Oregon has selected 14 historic projects across Oregon to receive a 2023 DeMuro Award for […]