Restore Oregon to Endorse Proposed Demolition Code Revisions

After six months of negotiations between preservationists, builders, neighborhood leaders, and City staff, Restore Oregon is set to endorse a compromise proposal that would greatly strengthen the City of Portland’s demolition code. As Portland’s real estate market has boomeranged out of the recession, established neighborhoods have witnessed sharp increases in the number older houses being […]

Portland City Council Denies Application to Demolish Historic Building

At their December 18th meeting, the Portland City Council voted to deny a controversial application to demolish the Buck-Prager Building, a 1918 contributing building in the Alphabet National Historic District. The proposal sought to replace the existing three-story unreinforced masonry building with a half-block six-story apartment complex, the design of which had yet to be […]

Recommendations to Address Demolition Epidemic Now Headed to Council

Three months after being tasked by the Portland City Council to propose modifications to the City’s demolition code, the Development Review Advisory Committee (DRAC) on Thursday endorsed a slate of recommendations that would affect how demolitions are conducted in Portland’s neighborhoods. The package of proposed code revisions—ranging from notification processes to defining ‘demolition’—is scheduled to go before the […]

Going WAY Back to School

A small group of former students from a remote area northeast of Prineville have remained true to their school. When Lucy Woodward and other former students of the one room Howard School heard that the building could be facing demolition, they took matters into their own hands. Lucy, who attended the school in the 1950s, […]

Preservation Pubs to Discuss Demolition Epidemic

By year’s end, it is estimated that a record 400 Portland houses will be lost to demolition. With modern McMansions and high-density apartments quickly filling lots that once housed single-family homes, the recent demolition trend means millions of pounds of waste are going to the landfill, the character of established neighborhoods is rapidly changing, and tangible reminders of […]