Saving the Windows in the Historic Oregon Governor's Mansion to Create Energy Efficiency

Mahonia Hall, the Oregon governor’s mansion, was nicknamed Pneumonia Hall by past gubernatorial residents because of the building’s energy inefficiency. Built in 1924 for hop farmer Thomas Livesley by Ellis Lawrence, founder of the University of Oregon School of Architecture, it’s beautiful and grand. But also drafty and cold. Last year, First Lady Cylvia Hayes […]

Preservation Profile: Roger Roper

This week, the Salem Statesman-Journal published an in-depth profile on Roger Roper, a longtime friend and Advisor to Restore Oregon.  Since 2003, Roger has served as the Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer in Salem, overseeing a staff of 16 archaeologists, survey coordinators, preservationists, and heritage professionals. Roger’s agency, the State Historic Preservation Office, or SHPO […]