Apply for the 2022 DeMuro Awards

Now in its 10th year, the DeMuro Awards promote historic preservation and reuse in Oregon by spotlighting and celebrating outstanding rehabilitation projects, and sharing the lessons learned from those case studies.  The DeMuro Award honors the legacy of our friend and Board member, Art DeMuro, whose career embodied vision, persistence, creativity, excellence, and sound economics. The purpose […]

Oregon’s Most Endangered Places Celebrate Major Accomplishments in 2021

Over the last decade, Restore Oregon has delivered the only statewide program dedicated to saving our unique and diverse historic resources through technical assistance. At the close of 2021, Oregon’s Most Endangered Places program has assisted the stakeholders of 56 individual places in 27 of our 36 counties–as well as settlement era homesteads in the […]

Celebrating Oregon’s 2021 National Register Designations

Historic preservation in Oregon took a big step towards equity in 2021, focusing largely on culturally diverse designations in the National Register of Historic Places. In total, 18 properties were designated. Twelve more have been approved by the State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation, and forwarded to the National Park Service (NPS) for listing. Included […]

An Update on Oregon’s Most Endangered Places in 2021

Over the last decade, Restore Oregon has delivered the only statewide program dedicated to saving our unique and diverse historic resources through technical assistance. Oregon’s Most Endangered Places program has assisted 56 individual places in 27 of our 36 counties, as well as settlement era homesteads in the Willamette Valley, and rural historic theaters statewide, […]

Racist Attacks State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation

The State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation (SACHP) meets three times a year to review nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. Normally, this is a low-key, yet public event. Unfortunately, an anonymous, cowardly racist joined SACHP’s October virtual meeting to harass the all-volunteer committee with vile slurs — a committee which includes members […]